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When must an IEP team meet?

In MA, all IEPs for students age 14 and older are required to include transition goals and objectives. These are worked on as a coordinated set of activities between agencies (e.g. Mass Rehab, Mass Co

On Demand COPAA Webinars

Join COPAA to view webinars topics include: Special Education Advocacy, Assessments, Case Reviews, Civil Rights. Live and Recorded Sessions

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Advocate Tip of the Day℠, ATOTD℠,, The IEP Clinic℠ © 2008  Cynthia Moore is not a lawyer, does not give legal advice, and does not practice law. Information contained on this site, in all social media posts, and other forms of communication is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. Individuals seeking legal advice should consult with an attorney.  


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